
DC Deck-Building Game: Justice League Dark

Created by Cryptozoic Entertainment

Get ready for something magical! The second DC DBG Kickstarter features Justice League Dark, the next Rivals game, & lots of surprises!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Confrontation Coin Samples! Plus Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary on Kickstarter!
8 months ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 09:16:22 AM

DC DBG fans,

We wanted to check and let you know production is still moving forward on schedule. We have been spending a lot of time checking eproofs from the factory for packaging, cards, playmats, box trays, etc. This lets us make sure all the cards are there and everything is consistent with our files. Once the eproof process is complete, the factory will send us actual physical proofs, which we will happily share with you!

We did receive a photo from the factory of preproduction samples of the Confrontation Coin (a Kickstarter Exclusive that comes with Rivals – Shazam! vs. Black Adam). We think the coin looks amazing!

Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary on Kickstarter

Come join our Kickstarter for the Adventure Time Card Wars 10th Anniversary! You can get the Ultimate Collection, the Deluxe Edition of the Doubles Tournament game, Collector’s Storage Box, special Card Wars module for the upcoming Adventure Time RPG, playmat, and much more.

Backers helped fund the campaign in less than hour and have unlocked nearly 10 stretch goals already. Pledge now at THIS LINK to Floop the Pig!

Off to Print We Go!
9 months ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 09:57:35 AM

DC DBG fans,

Amazing news this morning: After countless hours of planning, game design, game testing, graphic design, writing, editing, and more, all the items for the DC Deck-Building Game: Justice League Dark Kickstarter went to print this morning! We’re exhausted, but so very excited to get everything to the factory.

What’s next: Our factory will provide electronic proofs of everything in the weeks to come, then we’ll start getting physical proofs, which we will happily share with the fans (that’s you!). Thank you, all, for your amazing support. We’ll have some fun updates to make the waiting easier.

Still Need to Finish Your Survey?

Some of you still have not finished your surveys. We cannot ship your rewards if you don’t let us know your final order information and address and pay for shipping.

You can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page:

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at:


The Cryptozoic Team

Pledge Manager Reminder… Orders Lock September 20!
10 months ago – Fri, Sep 15, 2023 at 03:39:01 PM

DC DBG fans,

We have had a busy few weeks! We have finished all work for Rivals – Shazam vs. Black Adam, both Rebirth expansions, Crossover Crisis Pack #1, Crossover Collection 2, Crisis Collection 2, and all the extras offered in the campaign. In fact, besides a few adjustments on Flashpoint, the only meaningful updates left are for Justice League Dark and the JLD Expansion (another pass on the game cards and the graphic design work for the rulebooks). We are on track to go to print on everything at the end of this month! 

Pledge manager: Thank you to everyone who has filled out their surveys! A reminder that the deadline to complete your survey is SEPTEMBER 20. On that date, we’ll lock orders and charge credit cards. You’ll still be able to update your address until we lock addresses next year.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page:

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at:

Important note about Multiverse Box replacement cards: The two Kickstarter Exclusive Event cards from the DC Deck-Building Game 10th Anniversary Kickstarter had the wrong card backs. If you backed that campaign and this campaign, the replacement cards will be automatically added to your cart (you’ll see them as free add-ons). If you don’t see them, please reach out to us. (If you were a backer in the last campaign but didn’t pledge for the Multiverse Box, please remove the additional add-on… honor system.)

Late Pledges

As a reminder, last day for late pledges is also SEPTEMBER 20. Click the “Late Pledges” button on the homepage or go to the following link:

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team

Pledge Manager Surveys Start Going Out Today! Late Pledges Available!
11 months ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 02:24:04 PM

DC DBG fans,

Excuse our silence… we have been working super hard both on getting the pledge manager ready and finalizing the games, expansions, and accessories from the campaign.

The big news: The pledge manager surveys are going out starting today! You should all be receiving emails over the next 24 hours from us with a special link to your BackerKit survey (only a small test percent has gone out so far). You’ll be able to finalize your pledge by choosing add-ons, upgrading your pledge level, choosing multiple tiers, paying for shipping, filling out your shipping address, and more.  If you haven’t received your survey, please wait until the end of tomorrow before reaching out to us or following the procedure outlined below.

It’s important to respond to your survey as quickly as you can since we need this information to fulfill your rewards. The deadline to finish your survey is SEPTEMBER 20. On that date, we’ll lock orders and charge credit cards.

Important note about Multiverse Box replacement cards: The two Kickstarter Exclusive Event cards in the Multiverse Box from the DC Deck-Building Game 10th Anniversary Kickstarter had the wrong card backs. If you backed that campaign and this campaign, the replacement cards will be automatically added to your cart (you’ll see them as free add-ons). If you don’t see them, please reach out to us. (If you were a backer in the last campaign but didn’t pledge for the Multiverse Box, please remove the additional add-on… honor system.)

Important shipping note: If your shipping cost is very different from our estimated shipping or jumps in a way that makes little sense after you add a few small items, please reach out to us directly via Kickstarter private messages. If you haven't filled out your shipping country, BackerKit may initially show ROW (rest of world) shipping rates; fill in your address to see your accurate shipping cost. As noted on the Kickstarter page, VAT (value-added tax) is also charged in the pledge manager for certain regions.

Instructions Directly from BackerKit:

You don’t need to create a BackerKit account to fill out your survey. When you receive the email with the survey, click the survey link to respond. Answer the questions about your reward preferences, provide shipping information, and purchase add-on items if you like.

After you respond to your survey, you can go back later and change your responses at any time before we close the surveys and get our final counts.

If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page:

If you used your Facebook credentials to log in to your Kickstarter account, the BackerKit survey is sent to the email address you use for your Facebook account. If you have another email address that you prefer to use, please contact support at:

Late Pledges

Did you or one of your friends miss out on the campaign? We are accepting late pledges (with all corresponding stretch goals) for one month only! The final day will be SEPTEMBER 20. Click the “Late Pledges” button on the homepage or go to the following link:

Thanks for your support,

The Cryptozoic Team

12 months ago – Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 12:13:56 PM

DC DBG fans,

What a campaign! THANK YOU from the bottom of our (deck-building) hearts for all your support over the past month. If you look at the campaign page, you’ll see that most of the products and stretch goals were specifically because YOU asked for them. That’s what makes DC DBG so special to us–everything is driven and supported by the fans.

What’s next: We’ll work on getting the pledge manager up in mid-August, plus we have a lot of game content to finalize! We’ll keep you up to date every step of the way!

Before we take a minute to catch our breath, we just wanted to share the last five magical stretch goals you unsealed, all Kickstarter Exclusive cards for Justice League Dark: John Constantine, Man-Bat, Klarion, Teekl, and Zatanna Zatara. Game text is forthcoming.

Thanks for backing!

The Cryptozoic Team